What Zngkhvr relations?
Zngkhvr fit exactly how it works?
After you enter a list of suitable programs for each day of the year was intense.
Each Zngkhvr specify that you want him enough to select the arrow or the Zngkhvr brush set.
After you've determined that x is added next to him was a sign that I can remove Zngkhvr that day.
A sign either side is that you can play with the music that he chose to Zngkhvr
For that day to play or stop playing the sound.
Good changes are made.
Now enough with the menu selection menu key to open the phone or sign up and choose the option of starting the service program
And then select the option to save changes and exit the program, but was closed down their activities.
Note that if the service is activated, instead of starting service option
Program, stop service program that comes with it can totally disable the app
What is the program settings?
This program allows you to to be able to change settings in relations Zngkhvr phone, music player Zngkhvr, just customize warn the
What features will be added in future versions?
If you add the following features will give the program a good star:
A - send an SMS to a specific audience in special occasion
B - display a custom message on a special occasion
(C) Turn off the phone in special occasion
(D) warn or special occasion announcements
(C) contacts with specific contact in special occasion
(D) for the definition of new or updated applications
(K) To silence the phone in special occasion - for meeting
And any feature that we add to make the program better lol
Suggestions for improving the program reached into my mind how I raised it with you?
Let's make sure you were with us in the comments any suggestions to be considered in future versions Bdym.kafyh to my email message.
My email is dashesi.lamer@gmail.com
I want to write, but a piece of cake for Android app, how are you?
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