Kegel Trainer - Exercises

Kegel Trainer - Exercises

Version ۹.۴.۲
نصب +۲ هزار
Category تناسب اندام
Size ۱۷ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۰ مرداد ۱۴۰۳
Kegel Trainer - Exercises

Kegel Trainer - Exercises

Olson Applications Ltd
Version ۹.۴.۲
نصب +۲ هزار
Category تناسب اندام
Size ۱۷ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۰ مرداد ۱۴۰۳
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More Info

Easy to follow Kegel exercises and daily reminders making this the easy way for both men and women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles!

Bored of doing the same routine and feel you're not pushing yourself? This app has 10 different sessions to work through meaning your pelvic floor muscles are always being challenged by a new routine.

Quick and easy - all sessions are between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long making it perfect for those with a busy lifestyle.

Do you know you should be doing Kegel exercises but always forget? Daily reminders to alert you to perform the exercises

The ultimate in discretion:

Choose from visual audio or vibration cues to guid your pelvic floor exercise: Follow the on screen commands, audio cues, or use the vibration cues to exercise while no one around you is any the wiser.

Discrete icon and name so anyone browsing your phone would be unable to see what the app is for.

Kegel trainer is the simple, easy and effective way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It's free so download now!

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5 from 5
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